"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures."
William Shakespeare
Amidst the idyllic isles,
from whence they will begin informing,
of the drastic changing lifestyles,
with the effect of global warming.
In this panoramic tranquil setting,
set on a path to paradise lost,
it would be to easy to start forgetting,
of bridges needed to be crossed;
that the effects of global warming,
like a cancer silently eroded,
its far reaching tentacles started forming,
the ground for the isles to be unloaded,
a second Atlantis about to be born;
Ordained seasons breaking from traditions,
shall all be lost before we mourn,
we could have halted the emissions.
Rain has formed mighty canyons,
with the power of one drop at a time,
so too can millions of companions;
standing as one reach the sublime.
If you care for the ground,
which you are standing upon.
If you want your voice to resound,
and help carry the baton.
Sign the AVAAZ petition,
help stop the emission.
William Shakespeare
Amidst the idyllic isles,
from whence they will begin informing,
of the drastic changing lifestyles,
with the effect of global warming.
In this panoramic tranquil setting,
set on a path to paradise lost,
it would be to easy to start forgetting,
of bridges needed to be crossed;
that the effects of global warming,
like a cancer silently eroded,
its far reaching tentacles started forming,
the ground for the isles to be unloaded,
a second Atlantis about to be born;
Ordained seasons breaking from traditions,
shall all be lost before we mourn,
we could have halted the emissions.
Rain has formed mighty canyons,
with the power of one drop at a time,
so too can millions of companions;
standing as one reach the sublime.
If you care for the ground,
which you are standing upon.
If you want your voice to resound,
and help carry the baton.
Sign the AVAAZ petition,
help stop the emission.