
Showing posts from October, 2007


Please don't say a word. When I'm back on the road I'll think of promises I heard; that they were lies will leave me cold, I would rather fill my senses, with the love which we now feel when nerves are as taut fences loves balm will make it seem real. ____________ Please don't say a word. Lets fill the air we breathe, with the sound of our heartbeat, the thundering of a stampeding herd, so that when we take our leave, this moment will be our retreat from the insane mess of life with all its maddening strife. _____________ Please dont say a word. Let's rise on currents of air on the unfurled wings of a bird, to a world where all is fair, to where there is no deceit where we can forget the unjust, of having to deceive, all who have placed in us trust. _______________ If you have to say something, say it meant something.


As the stars come out to play, skies filled with meteorite showers, I scrabble for words that can say and define this immense power; a byproduct of galactic dust, staccato bursts, fragmented sparks, leaves me in awe where I lay my trust, amidst ephemeral flashes in the dark. ______________ ______________ This the night made for lovers, for the old to reaffirm the bond, for the young eagerto discover, for the separated to correspond; the intermittent streaks of light breathing life into moribund dreams, knowing that to love is a birthright, which will take you to extremes. ________________ ________________ Just past the magical midnight hour, the world in a deep slumber, a time oft' linked to darker power, with visions of lightning and thunder all swallowed in a celestial slipstream, from Halley's comet long time past' as ripples in a stilled stream these are ripples in a universe so vast. __________________ ____________...


Trying to reach a decision; groping in the void darkness, praying for a vision, and its halo of brightness: when all that comes is disjecta membra. The stale scattered crumbs, of an almost forgotten september, to some fall others spring. The decay and birth, of fully unfurled wings, and the return to earth. Sleeping silently in my mind, things I wanted to say, all of them not unkind, anything to make you stay: yet when all said and done, or unsaid and undid, we found glimpses of fun before it became a habit. Even the traces of your scent, started to fade slowly, shortly after you went. Thats when I felt lonely, caught between thoughts of violence, and soothing memories of you, I succumb to the moulding silence, waiting to be born anew, the love seed planted by you rare precious and beautifull.